Department Vision
To be a department of academic excellence with a holistic concern for better life, environment, and society and a total commitment to quality education in commerce, management, and related fields.
Department Mission
- To fulfill the vision in the context of the key stakeholders means.
- Giving students all the information and direction they require to become deserving professionals in commerce and management through experiential learning.
- Offering students a holistic, values-based education that eventually improves their employability.
- Fostering social consciousness in students.
- Establishing a distinct identity in the specialized fields of management and commerce.
- Developing young people into really global individuals capable of navigating the problems of the modern world.
- Promote the development of a humanitarian, global perspective, and a comprehensive personality.

Department Vision
To be a department of academic excellence with a holistic concern for better life, environment, and society and a total commitment to quality education in commerce, management, and related fields.
Department Mission
- To fulfill the vision in the context of the key stakeholders means.
- Giving students all the information and direction they require to become deserving professionals in commerce and management through experiential learning.
- Offering students a holistic, values-based education that eventually improves their employability.
- Fostering social consciousness in students.
- Establishing a distinct identity in the specialized fields of management and commerce.
- Developing young people into really global individuals capable of navigating the problems of the modern world.
- Promote the development of a humanitarian, global perspective, and a comprehensive personality.
- Course Structure
Program Outcomes
- Students shall exhibit a growing understanding of diverse tax matters and individual tax forms. The ability to set up an electronic set of accounting books will be a skill that students can demonstrate.
- Students will exhibit how values are developed affectively and how important accounting is to society and business.
- Students will acquire comprehensive, topic-specific knowledge in a range of commerce, business, accounting, economics, finance, auditing, and marketing disciplines.
- Students will be able to identify the characteristics and roles of entrepreneurs, managers, and consultants, enabling them to possess knowledge and other soft skills and respond appropriately when faced with important decisions.
- Students will be able to demonstrate their proficiency by participating in competitive exams such as the CA, CS, ICWA, and others.
- Students will gain soft skills such as decision-making, effective communication, and problem-solving in daily business operations.
- Students will participate in a range of extracurricular activities to show that their academic major's theoretical and foundational knowledge is relevant and to obtain real-world experience.
- In addition, learners will be prepared to continue higher education and finance-related research after gaining the practical skills necessary to operate as tax consultants, audit assistants, and other financial support service providers.
Program Specific Outcomes
- Students who complete the three-year Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) program will have a solid foundation in finance and commerce principles.
- The curriculum, which emphasizes business and finance, offers a variety of specializations and real-world experiences to prepare students for the difficulties that face business and commerce today.
- The comprehensive course offering, comprising many value-based and career-focused courses, guarantees that students receive up-to-date training. Affective development advances to the valuing and organization levels in advanced accounting courses beyond the introductory level.
Learning Outcome
- Pupils will obtain:
- Understanding the breadth and significance of commerce in a variety of fields, including production, distribution, the stock market, the commodities market, marketing, agriculture, industry, banking, law, and social sciences, among others,
- Details regarding the many types of commercial organizations in India and how they contribute to societal advancements.
- Understanding the many kinds of business units, how they are set up, and how to evaluate summary metrics like profit and loss, cash flow and fund flow, changes in direct and indirect taxation, new business ventures, and new business data processing.
- Knowledge of other allied subjects reflects quality characteristics, including concepts of various subjects.
- Insights into the preliminary exploration of different subjects.
- Knowledge of law, statistics, operation research, cost accounts, management accounting, financial and corporate accounts, and other updated taxes, etc.
- Understanding of concepts from a variety of subjects as well as other related subjects that exhibit excellent attributes.
- Understanding of early research on various topics.
- Proficiency in legal matters, statistics, operation research, cost accounting, management accounting, corporate and financial accounting, and other current taxes, among other areas.